Monday, September 7, 2009

Reality Check

Sorry I have been neglecting this blog so much. My trip around the South Island was incredible in so many different ways. I was so happy to see so much of this country, and yet, I feel as if I only saw a tiny bit. Now I'm back at school and struggling to get back in the "academic mindset."

I think the best part about coming back to Wellington was that it felt like coming home. In a time of the year where everyone in Delaware is getting back, its nice to feel like Wellington is home for me. It's a bizarre feeling being here now. I'm so happy to be here in New Zealand and yet wish I could be in Delaware. I would definitely not rather be in Newark than in Wellington. I think that I would really like to be able to pause time in Delaware until I get back. Facebook and email lists make this feeling really bizarre, because they allow me to experience what is going on at home while being not being there.

I'll try to get some photos and thoughts up here from the two week road trip by the end of the week.

Until then,


1 comment:

  1. Could you tell us something about the cats and dogs in New Zealand? Thanks.
