This week, an earthquake on the South Island that registered 7.8 on the richter scale and both of my american roommates came down with throat infections.
My classes are good so far and I think I'm going to enjoy them...with the exception of Pacific History. This was unfortunately not what I was hoping it would be and I have replaced it with World Religions. This class looks to be awesome since it has 6 professors teaching it. Each of these professors (or lecturers as they are called here) is an expert on a major religion so I think that this class will be very interesting and a lot easier than Pacific History looked like it was going to be. Speaking of religion, here's a sweet church I saw downtown last week.
International Relations is great. The professor is an American from Boston who makes a ton of jokes about the States. This gives the class of mostly Kiwis a good laugh, but since most of them are true (albeit quite liberal), I usually laugh right along with them. Sometimes I think they don't think actually get the joke...but then I don't understand half of their slang so I guess its a fair tradeoff. I don't have a picture of anything related to this...so here's a picture of Victoria University's campus!
My education class is not what I expected it to be. Instead of a survey of different educational systems in the South Pacific, this class will focus on how education must be altered when dealing with students from impoverished or minority backgrounds. Definitely a class that will come in handy in the future (that is...if my hands-on experience in Newburgh fails me).
Of course, it's not just been class here. I saw a whole different side of town last week. The business/government district of Wellington have a much more "big city" feel than the downtown section I'm a little more familiar with. More chic shops and expensive restaurants as well as Mrs. Higgin's Cookies. Hopefully next time I visit this shop I'll have my camera. They make huge "American style" cookies. Most other cookies, or biscuits, are crunchy and I had been missing warm, melty cookies. I naturally got chocolate chip and also tried a local favorite, the ANZAC. ANZAC stands for the Australian-New Zealand Army Corp. who fought in Turkey in World War I. These soldiers are remembered by a Memorial Day and by this cookie, which was a popular way to feed the troops since they travelled well. The ANZAC Biscuit is a simple cookie similar to an oatmeal cookie, made with coconut. It was so good. Luckily, Mrs. Higgin's prices weren't too bad, since I don't think I'll be able to help myself when I make my weekly trips to Parliament.
I also passed by the railway station that I (apparently) came into almost two weeks ago. However, I was picked up right at the outdoor platform, so I never saw the building until a few days ago.
With that, I'll leave you with a link to more photos and a picture of a sweet bird I saw down at the harbour.
This is one good thing about NY State: we don't have BIG earthquakes. An inherent contradiction in most paradisaical places is that they get big quakes. That's where the saying "another sh-tty day in paradise" comes from!