3 days left in New Zealand.
Last day in Wellington.
I cannot even begin to describe how I feel right now. Its 4AM and I just said "Good Night" to Natalie for the last time. These past 4 1/2 months have absolutely flown by and I wish I could scrape a few extra moments in Wellington before it's time to leave. But alas, time is not so kind.
I spent the last 20 hours packing, cleaning, shipping packages & gifts and enjoying the company of my best friends here in Welly. Tonight began the true sense that this incredible experience is coming to an end. While a few people have already departed, including Kevin (who is off on a trip that will take him from Singapore to Hong Kong, Venice to Dublin before flying home in December), it almost seemed as if they would be back. It was tonight, when I said a final goodbye to a kiwi friend, that it all hit me. Harder than a ton of bricks.
I realised in that moment that it would most likely be years before I see him again, if we were even so lucky. Someone I've seen at least four times a week for four months will no longer be present everyday. It's a cruel irony that friendships can build so fast. In one sense, it's fantastic. We can easily assimilate into a new environment and feel comfortable. But it makes it so much easier to be hurt when the time comes to head elsewhere.
Tomorrow, I leave Wellington.
Tomorrow, I say many more goodbyes.
Tomorrow's going to be an emotional day.
And with that, I bid you good night.
- Liam
24 days left :)